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Extend the life of your tool by up to 20%!
In addition to CPLinQ alerts, it is possible to subscribe to a CPCare Preventive Maintenance contract, which includes calibration*.
*If your required calibration service only, Tool Calibration is made for you.

Fewer breakdowns, longer life
CPCare provides preventive maintenance:
- Maintenance provided by certified technicians
- Less replacement parts over time
- Tool calibration

Uptime is improved
- Parts that usually wear out are replaced before the system fails
- Critical spare parts are available and their replacement is planned
- The system is regularly checked, cleaned and adjusted

Quality is maintained, rework is reduced
With a combination of preventive maintenance and calibration, tool accuracy is maintained.
Right the first time!

Maintenance budget is optimized
- Tool reliability is improved, resulting in fewer breakdowns over time
- Preventive maintenance extends the life of the tool by up to 20%
Enhancing Your Tools Performance and Productivity
With CPCare, we offer a range of specialized services aimed at maximizing the efficiency and lifespan of your tool, ensuring you can work safely and efficiently.
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