string(11) "alternative"
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Keep control,
guarantee quality

CPLinQ is an application specifically dedicated for managers looking to control processes and quality in the field, while improving productivity.

This is the unique solution to set up, control, report and maintain your jobs, with data collection and sequence set-up.

Increase your productivity

  • Save time on every operation
  • Decrease errors and rework
  • Get back to service faster
  • Reinforce company quality standards

CPLinQ – Google Play

CPLinQ – Apple store

CPLinQ – apk

Optimize processes and quality in the field

Control your job tightening and sequences

P-Set library
100% tightening guarantee
0% rework
Torque check for 100% control of bolt loosening

Maintain your tool

Decrease the risk of breakage with:
- Tool status follow-up management
- Operation alert
- Maintenance timeline

Report your jobs

Tightening report for a quick report and data export

Lock & finder

Lock your tool to prevent theft and accidents

The CP86 Series in videos

Frequently asked questions
